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betterment the act or result of making something better; improvement. [1/2 definitions]
bifurcation the act or result of dividing into two branches, or the state of being so divided.
blue having a bluish color of the skin as a result of severe cold or slight injury. [1/8 definitions]
boring1 (pl.) the refuse, such as chips or dust, produced as the result of boring something. [1/3 definitions]
botch to spoil or ruin as a result of clumsy work or poor repairs; bungle. [1/3 definitions]
bottom line the final or essential result or concern. [1/2 definitions]
bracket creep (informal) an increase in income leading to one's placement in a higher tax bracket, sometimes resulting in a net decrease in income as a result of higher tax rates and inflation.
breach the act, condition, or result of breaking or rupturing. [1/7 definitions]
break the act or result of breaking or separating into pieces. [1/26 definitions]
bump to cause to be displaced as the result of a collision. [1/7 definitions]
burr1 a protrusion or roughness left on a surface as a result of cutting or casting. [1/3 definitions]
button a small and usu. round object designed to cause some result when pressed. [1/7 definitions]
by-product a product or result that is a secondary consequence of some process or action.
calculate to determine a result mathematically. [1/6 definitions]
calculated done or made after carefully estimating the likely result. [1/2 definitions]
calculation the act, process, or result of calculating or making computations. [1/4 definitions]
cancel the act or result of canceling. [1/5 definitions]
capitalization the act or result of capitalizing. [1/2 definitions]
carry to have as an accompanying quality or result. [1/16 definitions]
castaway set adrift or ashore as a result of a shipwreck; shipwrecked. [1/2 definitions]
casualty a member of the armed forces removed from active duty as a result of being killed, wounded, captured, or missing in action. [2/5 definitions]