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birdbath a basin for wild birds to bathe in, often an ornamental structure manufactured for this purpose.
blind a cover or mask for true purpose or action; something that obscures. [1/12 definitions]
blunder to act or move awkwardly or without clear purpose. [1/5 definitions]
board a flat, rectangular piece of wood, cardboard, or the like, used for a specific purpose. [1/9 definitions]
brainstorming a spontaneous and unrestrained discussion by a group of people for the purpose of generating new ideas or solving problems.
break to interrupt an activity for the purpose of resting or eating. [1/26 definitions]
break in to enter a home or other property by force, without authorization, and with an illegal purpose. [1/3 definitions]
break-in an incident in which a home or other property is entered without authorization and for an illegal purpose, especially that of burglary.
break into to enter (a home, vehicle, or other property) by force, without authorization, and with an illegal purpose. [1/6 definitions]
brigade a group of persons gathered or organized for a specific purpose such as to fight a fire, support a cause, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
brood kept for the purpose of breeding. [1/7 definitions]
brother a male related to another by similarity such as kinship, allegiance to a particular group, or common purpose. [1/4 definitions]
budget the amount of money available or designated for a certain period or purpose. [1/3 definitions]
call to speak loudly for the purpose of attracting attention; yell; shout. [1/22 definitions]
camouflage any method of disguising for the purpose of concealing. [1/5 definitions]
camp1 to stay for a while in a tent or other temporary outdoor shelter for the purpose of recreation or inexpensive accommodation, or as part of military operations (sometimes fol. by "out"). [1/9 definitions]
campaign a systematic, concerted set of activities undertaken for a particular purpose. [1/4 definitions]
camping the activity of staying for a while in a tent or other temporary outdoor shelter for the purpose of recreation or to save money on accommodation while traveling.
can opener a hand-operated device used for opening cans, or an electrical device used for the same purpose.
carpetbag to move to a place for the purpose of seeking political advantage for oneself. [1/2 definitions]
carpetbagger one who moves to a place for the purpose of seeking political advantage. [1/2 definitions]