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bishopric the office of bishop. [1/2 definitions]
blind trust certain personal assets, such as stocks, placed under the confidential management of an independent trustee, as in an effort to avoid conflict of interest during one's term of public office. [1/2 definitions]
box office the ticket sales office of a theater, concert hall, stadium, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
bureau an office or department, often a subdivision of an organization, that performs specific functions. [1/3 definitions]
bureaucrat an official in a government office, esp. one who follows rules and routines rather than personal judgment.
caliphate the area ruled, length of rule, or office of a caliph.
campaign a political competition for elective public office. [1/4 definitions]
candidacy the condition of being considered or nominated, or striving to be so, for a particular position, office, prize, or honor.
canonical hour any of seven periods of the day, such as vespers, set apart for the recitation of certain prayers, psalms, or the like in many Christian churches; divine office. [1/2 definitions]
canonry the office or position of a canon. [1/2 definitions]
cardinalate that which pertains to a Catholic cardinal, such as his rank, term of office, or dignity. [1/2 definitions]
chair a position or office of authority and importance. [1/5 definitions]
chamber (pl.) a judge's office where matters not to be heard in open court can be discussed. [1/6 definitions]
chancellery the office or position of chancellor. [1/3 definitions]
chancery the department or office headed by a chancellor; chancellery. [3/4 definitions]
chief pertaining to the highest leader or office. [1/3 definitions]
clearinghouse an office where debts and claims are settled between institutions such as banks. [1/2 definitions]
clerical of or related to clerks and office work. [1/5 definitions]
clerk one who performs general office work such as filing, copying or preparing documents, and finding information. [1/4 definitions]
clinic an office facility shared by several doctors, usu. in the same specialty. [1/4 definitions]
cockade a rosette or knot of ribbon worn esp. on a hat as a badge of rank, office, or the like.