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blast an angry verbal attack. [1/12 definitions]
blindside to hit or attack (someone, esp. a football player) from an unanticipated direction.
blitz a swift military attack from the air or ground. [3/4 definitions]
blow1 an unexpected attack. [1/3 definitions]
bomb to attack or destroy with a bomb. [1/8 definitions]
bombard to attack with bombs, cannon fire, or artillery. [1/4 definitions]
bombing an attack in which bombs are dropped.
bout a period or attack of illness. [1/3 definitions]
broadside to attack verbally. [1/9 definitions]
bushwhack to attack from a hiding place; ambush. [1/2 definitions]
cannonade to attack with or fire cannon. [1/2 definitions]
cardiac arrest the failure of the heart to pump blood; heart attack.
charge to rush against, as in an attack. [3/22 definitions]
check in chess, to move one's piece so as to put (an opponent's king) under attack. [3/19 definitions]
checkmate in the game of chess, a winning maneuver in which the opponent's king piece is brought under direct attack and from which escape is not possible. [1/3 definitions]
coronary a heart attack; coronary thrombosis. [1/5 definitions]
counter3 to say in response as an opposing argument or verbal return of attack. [1/8 definitions]
counterattack an attack made in return for another attack. [1/2 definitions]
countercharge a military ground attack in response to that of an enemy. [2/4 definitions]
counteroffensive a military attack undertaken to frustrate an enemy attack.
coup de main blow from the hand (French); a surprise attack or sudden action against an enemy.