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blue law any law prohibiting drinking, dancing, working, or doing business on Sunday.
boilerplate in journalism, written material created by a news agency or similar business that is typeset and ready to be used across various syndicated publications. [1/5 definitions]
book (pl.) financial or business records. [1/13 definitions]
bookbinder a person or business that binds books.
bookie (informal) one whose business is taking wagers on sporting events, esp. horse racing.
bookkeeper a person who systematically records business and financial transactions.
bookkeeping the practice or occupation of systematically recording business transactions.
bookmaker one whose business is taking wagers on sporting events, esp. horse racing; bookie. [1/2 definitions]
book value the value of a business, asset, share of stock, or the like, as shown in the financial accounting records. (Cf. market value.)
boycott to refuse to buy, use, attend, or deal with (a product, activity, business, or the like), usu. as a protest or means of persuasion. [1/2 definitions]
break-even of or designating a point at which credits and debits are equal, as in a business that shows neither a profit nor a loss.
break into to successfully launch oneself into (a particular profession) or to launch one's business into (a particular market). [1/6 definitions]
brewing the occupation, business, or activity of a person who makes beer, ale, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
brick-and-mortar pertaining to a business that operates out of a physical location as opposed to providing online products and services.
bring in to earn or secure (money) for the benefit of oneself, one's family, a business, or an institution. [1/5 definitions]
broker a person whose business is to negotiate buying and selling, esp. of stocks or real estate, on another's behalf. [1/2 definitions]
brokerage the business of a broker. [1/2 definitions]
business of or relating to commercial business. [1/9 definitions]
business college a school that offers instruction in business-related skills, such as typing, bookkeeping, and business administration.
businesslike having qualities useful in business; serious; efficient; systematic.
businessman a man who works in business or commerce.