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Dictionary Suite
boating an act, instance, or process of using a boat for pleasure, as in rowing, canoeing, or sailing. [1/2 definitions]
brainwash an instance of brainwashing. [1/4 definitions]
breath a single instance of inhaling and exhaling air. [1/4 definitions]
brilliancy an instance of brilliance. [1/2 definitions]
buck2 the act or an instance of bucking. [1/7 definitions]
buildup the act, instance, or process of increasing in amount, number, or strength; accumulation; increase; growth. [1/3 definitions]
bunt1 in baseball, the act or an instance of bunting. [1/2 definitions]
burn an instance of burning. [1/14 definitions]
burning an instance, process, or sensation of being in flames or subjected to intense heat. [1/4 definitions]
burst an act or instance of bursting; explosion. [1/8 definitions]
buy an act or instance of purchasing. [1/7 definitions]
case1 an instance or example of something. [2/9 definitions]
check-in the act or an instance of registering, as at a hotel.
chop1 an act or instance of chopping. [1/8 definitions]
collision an act or instance of coming together with violent force; crash. [1/2 definitions]
communion an act or instance of intimate communication or sharing. [1/3 definitions]
commute an act or instance of commuting. [1/7 definitions]
competition a specific instance of competing, such as a contest or game. [1/4 definitions]
complaint an instance of complaining. [1/4 definitions]
concession an act or instance of conceding, such as the granting of a right or privilege or the admitting of a point in an argument. [1/4 definitions]
concourse the act or an instance of coming together or gathering; confluence. [1/5 definitions]