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boot up in computing, to start up (a computer or a program) by loading the operating system or installing the initial instructions.
browser a computer program that locates and displays web pages; web browser.
bubble memory a solid-state computer device that stores information, coded into binary digits, in microscopic magnetized areas in sheets, as of garnet.
buffer1 in computer terminology, a portion of the hardware used to hold information temporarily. [1/6 definitions]
button a small, round symbol on a computer screen or electronically-active page that allows one to activate a program. [1/7 definitions]
CAD acronym of "computer-aided design."
CAM acronym of "computer-aided manufacturing."
cathode-ray tube a vacuum tube in which a stream of electrons is accelerated and focused in a beam that produces lighted traces on a screen at one end of the tube, used in television sets, computer monitors, and the like.
central processing unit in computing, the part of a computer that interprets program commands and executes its instructions.
chat to exchange written messages instantly with one or more people by typing on a computer or phone, usually using the internet. [1/7 definitions]
chatroom a site on the Internet where two or more computer users can converse in real time by typing messages that appear on all participants' screens instantly.
check-box such a symbol used on a computer document or interface. [1/2 definitions]
close down to end the operation of (a program or all programs) running on a computer. [1/5 definitions]
COBOL a computer language using English syntax and a large vocabulary of English words (acronym for "common business-oriented language").
code the arrangement of statements in a computer program, in which letters and numerical figures are represented as binary numbers. [1/6 definitions]
codec a device or computer program that converts analogue audio and video signals into digital form for transmission purposes, and converts digital signals into analogue form after the transmission has been received.
command a set of characters or symbols that constitute a direction for a computer to perform certain functions. [1/12 definitions]
compile in computer technology, to convert into machine readable language; assemble. [1/3 definitions]
compiler a computer program designed to translate a high-level computer programming language into machine language. [1/2 definitions]
compute to determine by using a computer. [2/5 definitions]
computer-enhanced of, involving, or pertaining to the use of a computer to improve an image, video, design, or process.