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boudoir a woman's private sitting room or bedroom.
brazier2 a metal container designed to hold hot coals or charcoal, and used for heating a room. [1/2 definitions]
butler's pantry a serving area between a dining room and a kitchen, for use by a butler or maid.
cabin a room or compartment in a ship or airplane. [1/4 definitions]
cabinet of suitable size or quality to be displayed in a cabinet or private room. [1/6 definitions]
cafetorium a room or building that is used both as a cafeteria and an auditorium to save space, money, or both.
casino a room or building for public assembly or entertainment, esp. gambling games. [1/3 definitions]
casualty (chiefly British) the emergency room of a hospital. [1/5 definitions]
ceiling the top interior surface of a room. [1/3 definitions]
cell a very small room for a monk, nun, prisoner, or recluse. [1/4 definitions]
cellar a room or rooms wholly or partly underground and usu. beneath a building; basement. [2/4 definitions]
cesium a highly reactive chemical element of the alkali metal group that has fifty-five protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure form as a soft, silvery metal melting to a heavy liquid just above room temperature. (symbol: Cs) [1/2 definitions]
chamber a room, esp. a bedroom. [2/6 definitions]
chapel a place of worship, usu. a small building or a room in a larger building, for a small number of worshipers or for private use. [1/3 definitions]
checkout the act of checking out of a hotel room. [2/4 definitions]
check out to say officially that you are leaving your hotel room and to pay the bill. [1/5 definitions]
classroom a room where classes are held in a college, school, or training facility.
cloakroom a room in a school, club, theater, or the like where coats, hats, and other outdoor clothing may be temporarily left.
closet a cabinet or small room for storage, as of clothing or household goods. [1/3 definitions]
clubhouse a building or room owned by a club and used for meetings and other events.
cocktail lounge a room or seating area, usu. in a hotel or restaurant, in which alcoholic drinks are served.