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bouillon a thin, usu. clear broth, or the stock for making such a broth.
bow2 a long, thin piece of wood with horsehairs stretched between the ends, used for playing the violin and other stringed instruments. [1/7 definitions]
brad a thin nail with either a small head or a slight projection on the side. [1/2 definitions]
bronchiole any of the small, thin-walled branches of a bronchial tube.
broom a shrub with long, thin branches that bear white or yellow flowers. [1/3 definitions]
brown sugar unrefined or partially refined sugar whose crystals have kept a thin coating of dark syrup.
bubble a small sphere of gas surrounded by a thin liquid membrane. [1/7 definitions]
bud vase a tall thin vase used to hold a single flower such as a rosebud.
by the skin of one's teeth (informal) by an exceptionally thin margin of time, money, or the like; with little to spare.
cadaverous of or resembling a corpse; pale and thin or emaciated. [1/2 definitions]
cambium a thin layer of cells occurring between the bark and wood of a vascular plant, and producing the growth of both.
cambric a thin, white, closely woven fabric of cotton or linen.
came2 a thin, grooved strip of lead used to secure a piece of glass, as in a stained glass window.
caning the practice of using a thin, somewhat flexible stick to strike a person as a form of punishment.
carbon paper very thin paper coated on one side with carbon or a dark waxy pigment, that is placed between two sheets of paper and produces a copy on the lower sheet of text that is written or typed on the upper.
carina in biology, a thin ridgelike structure, such as the projecting part of a bird's breastbone.
caseharden to form a hard thin surface on (an alloy of iron) by bonding with carbon under heat. [1/2 definitions]
catgut a thin, strong cord made of twisted, dried animal intestines, esp. those of sheep, and used for the strings of tennis rackets and certain musical instruments, and as surgical thread.
catheter a thin, flexible, hollow tube inserted into a body passage or cavity to drain fluid, esp. urine from the bladder.
ceil to overlay (a room's ceiling or walls) with plaster or thin pieces of wood. [1/2 definitions]
cell a microscopic unit of plant or animal life, usually containing a nucleus and surrounded by a very thin membrane. [1/4 definitions]