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bracken a thick growth or mass of such ferns. [1/2 definitions]
brush2 a thick growth of small trees, shrubs, or bushes. [1/2 definitions]
bubble bath a bath with an added liquid, crystal, or powder preparation that creates thick suds and perfumes and softens the water. [1/2 definitions]
buff1 a soft, thick yellow leather made from the buffalo hide or the hide of other animals. [1/8 definitions]
bullfinch a European variety of finch characterized by a short, thick bill and a reddish breast.
bull-necked having a neck that is short and thick.
bush1 a thick mass or growth of bushes. [1/3 definitions]
bushy resembling a bush; thick and shaggy. [1/2 definitions]
cable a thick, strong rope made of fiber or steel. [1/11 definitions]
callous of parts of the skin, to become hardened and thick. [1/4 definitions]
Canada balsam a clear thick yellow resin of a particular fir tree that hardens when exposed to air and is used chiefly as mounting cement in microscopy.
card1 a small piece of thick paper, cardboard, or plastic printed with personal data such as name and address and used as identification. [3/4 definitions]
carton a box made of thick paper, sometimes coated, or of plastic, made to hold one particular type of product. [1/2 definitions]
cast a thick, rigid covering for an injured limb or joint, usu. made of plaster and gauze. [1/18 definitions]
châteaubriand an esp. thick and tender center cut of beef tenderloin, usu. served with a sauce.
Cheviot any of a breed of sheep with short, thick wool. [1/2 definitions]
chop1 a portion or thick slice, esp. of meat. [1/8 definitions]
chopping block a thick block of wood on which food is chopped and cut in preparation. [1/2 definitions]
chow2 a stocky, medium-sized dog of Chinese origin that has a thick red or black coat, a blackish tongue, and a tail that curls over the back.
chowder a thick soup typically containing clams, fish, or corn, with potatoes and onions in a milk or tomato base.
chub any of various thick-bodied freshwater fish common to Europe. [1/3 definitions]