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break up to go in separate ways; disperse. [1/10 definitions]
buck2 to go forward in a series of jerks. [1/7 definitions]
bypass a highway that is built to go around an obstacle or an area of congestion such as a city. [2/5 definitions]
call out to give (a group) an order to go into action. [1/3 definitions]
canter to go or cause to go at a canter. [1/2 definitions]
carousel a merry-go-round. [1/2 definitions]
carry out to go through the steps of (something) and bring to completion; do (a task, experiment, study, or the like). [1/3 definitions]
circumnavigate to go entirely around, esp. by sailing.
circumvent to go around; skirt; bypass. [1/2 definitions]
clear out to go away, esp. in haste. [1/2 definitions]
cleave2 to go forward by or as if by splitting (usu. fol. by through). [1/6 definitions]
climb to move upward; go towards the top; ascend. [2/7 definitions]
compass to go all the way around; circle. [1/9 definitions]
continue to go on; persist. [2/7 definitions]
convoy to go with and protect, esp. by an armed force or ships. [1/5 definitions]
counter3 to go against something; take a countering action. [1/8 definitions]
craze to go insane or become obsessed. [1/6 definitions]
debark1 to put or go ashore, as from a ship; disembark.
decamp to go away suddenly or secretly. [1/2 definitions]
depart to leave; go away. [2/4 definitions]
derail to cause to go off the tracks. [3 definitions]