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broadloom of or pertaining to carpets or rugs woven on a loom wider than four and a half feet. [2 definitions]
bungee jumping a recreational activity in which a person harnessed to the end of a long, anchored, elasticized rope, or bungee, steps off a height, rapidly drops hundreds of feet in the air, then bounces up and back down, repeatedly, while the movement gradually slows to a stop.
cable length a unit of nautical length equal to 720 feet or 219.6 meters in the United States.
calf's-foot jelly the cooled gelatinous edible stock of boiled calves' feet.
centiare a unit of area equal to one square meter or 10.764 square feet.
chain a unit of length, used in surveying, that is equal to sixty-six feet or 20.1 meters, and used in engineering, equal to one hundred feet or 30.48 meters. [1/9 definitions]
chilblain (usu. pl.) an irritation or inflammation of the skin, usu. of the hands, feet, or face, caused by exposure to dampness and cold.
chopping block a wooden block, section of log, or the like on which firewood is set to be split, or on which the heads and feet of fowls are chopped off. [1/2 definitions]
chukar a partridge native to Asia and Europe, with red beak and feet and chestnut upper plumage, that has been introduced into the western United States as a game bird.
clamber to climb awkwardly or with difficulty, using both hands and feet. [1/2 definitions]
condor one of two vultures that are the largest flying birds of the Western Hemisphere, having a bald head and neck, dark plumage, and a wingspan up to twelve feet.
cord a unit of volume used for fuel wood, equal to 128 cubic feet or 3.6 cubic meters, arranged in a pile measuring four by four by eight feet. [1/8 definitions]
couchant of an animal on a heraldic crest, lying with the front feet forward and the head elevated. [1/2 definitions]
crawl a swimming stroke in which the body is prone with the face down, the feet do a flutter kick, and the arms alternate in overhead strokes. [1/7 definitions]
Dead Sea a large salt lake between Israel and Jordan, and the lowest recorded land elevation on earth, at about 1300 feet below sea level.
decameter a unit of length equal to ten meters or 32.808 feet.
decistere a unit of volume equal to one tenth of a stere or cubic meter or 3.532 cubic feet.
deer mouse any of various large-eared mice of the Western Hemisphere that have long tails and white feet and undersides.
desman either of two molelike aquatic mammals found in eastern Europe and western Asia that feed on insects and have webbed feet and a long snout.
dodder to shake or be unsteady on one's feet, as from old age; totter.
dog (pl.; slang) the feet. [1/6 definitions]