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buck4 an object such as a buckhorn knife that was formerly placed before a player in a poker game to indicate the responsibility to deal.
cedilla a diacritical mark (ç), placed under certain letters in French, Portuguese, Turkish, and Russian to indicate a particular pronunciation, as, in French, the sound of "s" for the letter "c".
check-box a small empty square printed next to an item on a form, test, or list, to be filled in with a check or other mark to indicate choice or completion. [1/2 definitions]
check mark a mark () placed next to an item to indicate correctness, completion, choice, or other kinds of verification.
circumflex one of several diacritic marks, especially ( ˆ ), placed over a vowel to indicate a certain sound or quality. [1/3 definitions]
clef any of the four signs placed on a musical staff to indicate the pitch at which the notes are to be played.
comma a punctuation mark (,) used to separate words, phrases, or other elements in a sentence, particulars in a list, or thousands in written numerals, or to indicate a pause, as in poetry.
contraindicate in medicine, to indicate that (a particular medicine or treatment) should not be used.
correlative in grammar, of or denoting a construction or paired words that indicate alternatives or reciprocal, mutual, or parallel relations, such as "either" and "or" in "He'll come either today or tomorrow" and "both" and "and" in "Both the house and the garage caught fire." [1/4 definitions]
creatinine a waste product produced in muscle from the breakdown of creatine. Elevated levels in blood indicate impaired kidney function.
cum laude with honor (used to indicate good academic performance).
dash a punctuation mark (--) used to indicate a break in thought, a parenthetical element, or the like. [1/12 definitions]
dele a mark used to indicate that something such as a letter, word, or sentence is to be deleted. [1/3 definitions]
demur to object or indicate opposition to something. [1/3 definitions]
denote to be a mark or signal of; indicate. [1/3 definitions]
designate to stand for, mean, or indicate. [1/5 definitions]
diacritic a small distinguishing mark, such as a macron, umlaut, or cedilla, that is added to a letter, esp. to indicate how it is to be pronounced; diacritical mark.
diacritical mark a small distinguishing mark, such as a macron, umlaut, or cedilla, that is added to a letter, esp. to indicate how it is to be pronounced.
differentiate to indicate or constitute a difference between. [1/6 definitions]
directional signal any of the lights on a motor vehicle that flash to indicate that the vehicle is about to turn and to show the direction in which it will turn. Directional signals are located on both the front and rear of the vehicle and are activated by the driver; turn signal.
dot used to indicate the punctuation mark (.) when it is used in addresses on the World Wide Web. [1/10 definitions]