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bummer (slang) any unpleasant or unsatisfactory experience or thing.
burn to experience strong emotion, such as anger or desire. [1/14 definitions]
by the seat of one's pants by experience and intuition, not by plans or instruments.
calculation an estimation based on prior experience and information. [1/4 definitions]
Calvary (sometimes l.c.) a place or occasion of severe trial, or an intensely painful, anguishing experience. [1/2 definitions]
caseharden to make hard or indifferent, as through experience; inure. [1/2 definitions]
cloy to oversupply with something sweet or pleasant so that the experience of these things becomes sickening or wearisome. [1/2 definitions]
collective unconscious in Jungian psychology, the memories and other psychic contents that are accumulated by the experience of all preceding generations and that dwell within the unconscious mind of each individual.
common sense practical judgment based on experience or native intelligence, and not on education or training.
concrete of or relating to a specific factual thing or experience; not imagined or hypothetical. [1/10 definitions]
connoisseur a person with the experience, expertise, and sense of appreciation to make informed judgments in a fine art or in matters of taste.
connoisseurship experience and expertise in judging fine art and other matters of taste.
crucible any extremely trying experience or test. [1/2 definitions]
culture a developed state of refinement through experience or training in the arts and worldly affairs. [1/8 definitions]
déjà vu the almost physical sensation, when one is in a place or having an experience, that one has been in that place or had that experience before.
downer a depressing experience, situation, person, or thing. [1/2 definitions]
dream to see or experience during sleep or reverie. [1/13 definitions]
ecstasy a powerful experience of spiritual uplifting or revelation; exaltation. [1/2 definitions]
educated founded on experience and incomplete information. [1/3 definitions]
effect (pl.) sounds or visual images that are used to produce an effect on a listener or spectator, especially those used in film, television, sound recording, and the like to create visual or auditory illusions or elicit a heightened experience. [1/8 definitions]
Ellis Island an island in Upper New York Bay where, from 1892 to 1943, millions of incoming immigrants to the U.S. were processed. The facility on the island is now a museum that illuminates the immigration experience.