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bungle to perform badly or incompetently; botch. [2/3 definitions]
burnout inability to perform normally because of prolonged stress or tiredness. [1/3 definitions]
busk to play music, sing, or otherwise perform for entertainment in streets or other public areas, usually in order to obtain money through the donations of passers-by.
c.1 abbreviation of "copyright," the exclusive legal right to make copies of, distribute, or perform all or part of a published or recorded work for a certain extended period of time.
capable having the ability to perform as required; competent. [1/3 definitions]
carwash a commercial establishment equipped to wash car exteriors and often to perform related services such as waxing and interior cleaning. [1/2 definitions]
celebrate to perform (a religious ceremony or ritual). [1/4 definitions]
charwoman a woman employed to perform general cleaning work, usu. in a large building.
chassé to perform a chassé. [1/2 definitions]
choke (informal) to lose the ability to perform well because of stress or anxiety. [1/9 definitions]
clown to perform as a clown or seek to amuse others through comical, prankish behavior (sometimes fol. by "around"). [1/4 definitions]
come on to enter a stage or a set in order to perform. [1/7 definitions]
command a set of characters or symbols that constitute a direction for a computer to perform certain functions. [1/12 definitions]
commission an order granting authority to perform a certain task or function. [2/9 definitions]
commit to do; perform. [1/6 definitions]
confirm to perform the religious rite of confirmation for. [1/4 definitions]
conspiracy a secret agreement or plan among two or more persons to perform a crime or other wrongful act. [1/4 definitions]
conspire to secretly agree or plan to perform a crime or other wrongful act with another person or persons. [2/3 definitions]
cook (slang) to perform efficiently and at good speed. [1/7 definitions]
copyright the exclusive legal right to make copies of, distribute, or perform all or part of a published or recorded work for a certain extended period of time. [1/3 definitions]
countermarch to perform a countermarch. [2/3 definitions]