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businessman a man who works in business or commerce.
businesspeople people who work in business or commerce.
businessperson a person who works in business or commerce, esp. an executive or manager.
businesswoman a woman who works in business or commerce.
butcher someone in the business of selling meat. [1/6 definitions]
buyout the buying of an entire business, as by managers, employees, or outside parties, usu. heavily financed by borrowing.
buy out to buy (someone's business). [2 definitions]
calling card a small card with one's name and sometimes address and telephone number printed on it, used when making business and social visits.
canning the act, process, or business of preserving foods in cans or jars.
capital1 money or other wealth owned or used by a business. [1/10 definitions]
capitalist one who invests capital, esp. extensively, in business enterprises. [1/3 definitions]
capitalization the total value of owners' investment in a business. [1/2 definitions]
capitalize to supply capital for or use capital in, as a business enterprise. [1/4 definitions]
cartel an international group of independent businesses formed to control production and prices and to restrict competition in certain business enterprises. [1/2 definitions]
cash flow the net cash proceeds of operating a business during a specified period of time.
cashier1 an employee of a bank or other business who manages monetary transactions. [1/2 definitions]
cash register a business machine, equipped with one or more drawers for storing bills and coins, that records, displays, and keeps a running total of sales and tax receipts, used esp. in retail stores.
cater to supply food, service, or entertainment, esp. off the main business premises. [1/3 definitions]
caterer a person or business that provides professional food services, as for meetings, parties, and the like.
chain a series of like business establishments owned by one person or company. [1/9 definitions]
chapter 11 a provision of the U.S. Federal Bankruptcy Act that allows a company to reorganize and remain in business, provided it pays its current debts by a date set by a court.