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call a shout or loud cry. [1/22 definitions]
calliope a large organlike musical instrument with a set of loud steam whistles that are activated by a keyboard. [1/2 definitions]
cheer to give loud vocal encouragement, approval, or appreciation to. [1/9 definitions]
clamor a loud or sustained uproar or din, esp. of voices. [1/6 definitions]
clamorous loud or noisy. [1/2 definitions]
clap a sudden, loud, explosive sound. [1/11 definitions]
clash to strike with a loud, harsh noise. [2/6 definitions]
clatter to make a loud rattling noise, as by striking objects together or by moving. [3 definitions]
cracker a cylindrical cardboard party favor that makes a loud crack when opened and contains treats or favors. [1/4 definitions]
crash1 to break up or be destroyed through impact and with a loud commotion; smash. [2/17 definitions]
cry to utter a loud noise such as a shout or yell (sometimes fol. by "out"). [2/11 definitions]
deafen to stun with loud noise. [1/2 definitions]
deafening extremely loud, sometimes loud enough to cause hearing loss.
din noise, esp. loud, confused, or dissonant noise. [1/4 definitions]
earsplitting loud and shrill enough to be painful to the ears.
fishwife a loud, vulgar, scolding woman. [1/2 definitions]
foghorn a loud, deep-sounding horn, as on a ship, used in fog or at night to give warning signals.
forte2 in music, loud and forceful. [1/3 definitions]
forte-piano loud and then immediately soft (used as a musical direction).
fortissimo in music, very loud. [1/3 definitions]
gale a loud outburst. [1/2 definitions]