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Cambrian the Cambrian Period, or the rock formations that date from that time. [1/2 definitions]
cap rock the solid rock layer that is immediately over a deposit of oil, gas, salt, or the like.
carbon 14 a radioactive isotope of carbon that has a half-life of about 5,700 years and whose presence in rock, fossils, and other archaeological specimens enables them to be dated.
Carboniferous the Carboniferous Period, or the rock and coal layers that date from that time.
Cenozoic the Cenozoic Era, or the rock formations that date from that time. [1/2 definitions]
chert a hard compact rock, esp. of quartz, found in limestone.
chops (slang) in jazz or rock music, technical skill.
C horizon in a profile of soil, the third level, just above bedrock, consisting of rock that is only somewhat broken or weathered.
cliff a high, steep or overhanging surface of rock or earth.
coal measures coal-bearing strata found in carboniferous rock. [1/2 definitions]
combo a small band of musicians, usu. playing popular music such as jazz or rock. [1/2 definitions]
concretion a solid mass made by or as if by coalescence, such as a mass of calcium or other inorganic material found in living tissue, or a mineral mass found in sedimentary rock. [1/3 definitions]
conglomerate a mass of various components, esp. stony material composed of various kinds of rock. [1/5 definitions]
cradle any device resembling a cradle or functioning similarly, as to hold or hold and rock something. [3/6 definitions]
crag a steeply jutting or overhanging mass of rock, as on a mountain or headland.
cranny a small opening in a wall, rock, or other solid mass; crack or crevice.
creepage a gradual movement as of soil, rock, or glaciers.
Cretaceous the Cretaceous Period, or the rock formations that date from that time.
crevice a narrow opening, as in vertical rock or a wall; crack; fissure.
cryptozoic (cap.) of or pertaining to Precambrian rock strata yielding few and very primitive fossils. [2/3 definitions]
debris in geology, an accumulation of broken pieces of rock. [1/2 definitions]