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canalboat a long narrow vessel used to transport freight along canals and riverways.
capillary a minute, hairlike blood vessel connecting the end of an artery to the beginning of a vein. [1/6 definitions]
captain the chief officer of a merchant vessel or a commercial airplane. [1/8 definitions]
carrier a very large naval vessel equipped with a flight deck; aircraft carrier. [1/6 definitions]
chine the intersection of the side and bottom of a boat or other vessel. [1/4 definitions]
coffeepot a vessel or device for making and serving coffee.
congest in pathology, to cause an excessive accumulation of blood in (an organ or vessel). [1/3 definitions]
congestion in pathology, an excessive accumulation of blood in an organ or vessel. [1/3 definitions]
coronary a blood vessel arising in the aorta and supplying the heart. [1/5 definitions]
corvette an obsolete sailing vessel that was smaller than a frigate and usu. armed with one row of guns. [1/2 definitions]
crucible a vessel used at high temperatures, esp. to melt metals or minerals. [1/2 definitions]
cup a decorative vessel, often of precious metal, that is awarded as a prize to the winner of a contest or game. [1/7 definitions]
cuspidor a vessel designed to spit in; spittoon.
cutter a sailing vessel with one mast. [1/4 definitions]
Danaides in Greek legend, the daughters of Danaus, king of Argos, who murdered their husbands and were condemned in Hades to draw water forever with a perforated vessel.
deck hand a seaman employed mostly on the deck of a vessel.
dhow a vessel having a lateen sail or sails, sometimes having a raised deck at the stern, used primarily by Arabs along the coast of the Indian Ocean.
dockage1 the docking of a vessel. [1/3 definitions]
embolectomy the surgical removal of an embolus, usu. from a blood vessel.
embolism in pathology, the obstruction or closure of a blood vessel by undissolved matter carried in the blood stream.
escutcheon a plate on the stern of a vessel which shows its name. [1/3 definitions]