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cape1 a sleeveless, loose-fitting garment that fastens at the neck and hangs loosely from the shoulders.
carotid either of the major arteries on each side of the neck, through which blood flows to the head; carotid artery. [2 definitions]
cervical of or pertaining to the neck. [1/2 definitions]
cervix the neck. [1/2 definitions]
cheongsam a fitted Chinese dress having a high neck, usu. short sleeves, and side slits to the thighs.
chest the upper front section of the human body between the neck and the abdomen. [1/4 definitions]
chignon a hairstyle in which a woman's long hair is coiled, rolled, or twisted and secured at the nape of the neck or back of the head.
chuck2 a cut or section of beef taken from the area between the neck and shoulder blades. [1/2 definitions]
clerical collar a stiff narrow white collar, fastened at the back of the neck, worn by certain members of the clergy.
cobra any of several venomous snakes of Asia and Africa that rear up and flatten the skin of the neck when threatened. [1/2 definitions]
collar the portion of a garment that goes around the neck and is sometimes folded over. [2/7 definitions]
condor one of two vultures that are the largest flying birds of the Western Hemisphere, having a bald head and neck, dark plumage, and a wingspan up to twelve feet.
cowbell a bell hung around the neck of a cow to make known where it is.
crane to extend (the neck), esp. in attempting to see something. [2/6 definitions]
cravat a scarf or band of cloth tied loosely about the neck. [1/2 definitions]
crew neck a rounded neckline, as on a sweater, that fits closely at the base of the neck.
crick a painful stiffness or cramp, esp. in the neck or back. [2 definitions]
dewlap a drooping fold of skin below the neck in some animals such as cattle or dogs.
dog tag (usu. pl.; informal) a metal identification tag worn about the neck by one in the U.S. military. [1/2 definitions]
emu a large flightless Australian bird related to the ostrich that has head and neck feathers and rudimentary wings.
Erlenmeyer flask a conical laboratory flask with a broad, flat base and a short, narrow neck, used to mix liquids by hand.