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caulk to seal against leakage of water or air, esp. by filling in cracks, as in the seams of a boat or the joints of a pipe.
centerboard on a sailboat, a flat wooden or metal keel that can be raised or lowered for greater stability while the boat is in motion.
chine the intersection of the side and bottom of a boat or other vessel. [1/4 definitions]
cockpit a low, open area near the stern of a yacht or other decked boat, providing space for the person steering, the crew, and usu. passengers. [1/3 definitions]
convertible of a car or boat, having a top that can be folded down. [2/4 definitions]
coracle a small rounded boat of waterproof material stretched over a frame of wood or wicker, used in western England, Wales, and Ireland.
cordage the ropes and lines of a ship or boat considered collectively; rigging. [1/2 definitions]
cox (informal) to act or serve as coxswain, esp. to a boat or its crew. [1/2 definitions]
coxswain one in command of a ship's boat. [1/2 definitions]
craft a boat, ship, airplane, or space vehicle, or any group of these collectively. [1/7 definitions]
cruiser a large motor-powered boat with living quarters; cabin cruiser. [1/4 definitions]
dinghy a small boat used to tend a larger one, usu. as a lifeboat or for short trips to shore and back. [1/2 definitions]
dory1 a small, narrow, flat-bottomed boat that has high flaring sides and a sharply pointed prow.
drogue an anchor, esp. a canvas sack used for slowing a boat and keeping her prow into the wind. [1/2 definitions]
dugout a boat, esp. a canoe, made from a hollowed-out tree trunk. [1/3 definitions]
embarcadero a place on the edge of a body of water where a boat can land, such as a wharf.
felucca a small, narrow boat with one or two lateen sails, used on the Mediterranean and the Nile.
ferry a boat or ship used to carry people, vehicles, and other things across a bay, river, lake, or channel. [3/6 definitions]
ferryboat a boat used to transport people, vehicles, or goods across a bay, river, or the like.
fiberglass fine filaments of glass made into a fibrous insulating material or molded into a solid material for use as boat hulls, other vehicle bodies, and the like.
fireboat a power boat equipped to fight fires on ships, in harbors, and the like.