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cedar any of several cone-bearing evergreen trees of the pine family with aromatic, durable wood. [1/3 definitions]
certified check a check bearing the issuing bank's guarantee that there is enough money on deposit to cover the check.
chamomile an aromatic Old World herb bearing white composite flowers and feathery leaves or any of several other plants resembling it, used esp. in making medicinal teas.
chandelier a light fixture, often decorative, suspended from a ceiling and bearing multiple lights.
cheap bearing a low price; relatively inexpensive. [1/8 definitions]
clematis any of various climbing plants bearing white, pink, red, or purplish flowers.
club a black clover-shaped figure on a playing card, or a card bearing such a figure. [1/7 definitions]
coal measures coal-bearing strata; coal beds. [2 definitions]
columbine any of several plants related to the buttercup, bearing varicolored flowers having five spurred petals.
comportment conduct or bearing; manner of behaving.
cone the woody, seed-bearing structure of various evergreen trees such as the pine, fir, or hemlock, that has a shape similar to a cone. [1/5 definitions]
coniferous bearing cones, or pertaining to plants that do so.
convolvulus any of several twining, twisting, or erect plants bearing trumpet-shaped flowers and triangular leaves.
cornflower a garden plant native to Eurasian grasslands, bearing bluish white to purplish or pink flowers; bluebottle; bachelor's button. [1/2 definitions]
cosmos any of a number of plants bearing brightly colored, rayed flowers and originating in tropical America. [1/4 definitions]
cowslip a European primrose bearing a fragrant yellow flower. [2 definitions]
cranberry a North American shrub growing in marshy ground and bearing a tart, red, edible berry, or the berry itself. [1/2 definitions]
crucifix a Christian cross, esp. one bearing a representation of Jesus Christ.
cylinder in some printing presses, a cylinder-shaped rotating surface bearing the impression to be printed or the paper to be printed on. [1/5 definitions]
diclinous of a plant, having the pollen-bearing and seed-bearing organs in separate flowers. [1/2 definitions]
dignity one's sense of worth; pride or self-respect, esp. as manifested in one's bearing or behavior. [2/3 definitions]