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cetacean of or belonging to the group of aquatic mammals that includes whales, porpoises, and dolphins. [1/2 definitions]
chelonian of, concerning, or belonging to the group of reptiles that includes the turtles and tortoises. [1/2 definitions]
Christian belonging to or following this religion. [1/5 definitions]
citizen a person belonging by birth or naturalization to a political and geographic entity, esp. a nation. (Cf. alien). [1/2 definitions]
communal of or belonging to members of a community; public; collective. [1/2 definitions]
component acting as a component; belonging to; composing. [1/2 definitions]
composite belonging to a family of plants that includes daisies, dandelions, and asters, in which florets are densely clustered in a head that appears to be a single flower. [1/5 definitions]
constitutional of or belonging to the fundamental nature of a person or thing; inherent. [1/4 definitions]
contemporary existing in, relating to, or belonging to the same period of time. [3/4 definitions]
contextual of, belonging to, or depending on a context.
covet to envy or wish to possess (something belonging to another) inordinately or without right. [2/3 definitions]
crossbred produced by the mating of individuals belonging to different breeds or varieties. [1/2 definitions]
current happening in or belonging to the present time. [1/5 definitions]
dabchick any of various small diving birds belonging to the grebe family.
diurnal occurring or active during, or belonging to, the daytime rather than nighttime. (Cf. nocturnal.) [1/2 definitions]
edentate belonging to or concerning a group of mammals that have few or no teeth, including armadillos, anteaters, and sloths. [1/3 definitions]
elitism awareness of, and usu. pride in, belonging to a select or privileged group. [1/2 definitions]
enemy of or belonging to a hostile military force or to the nation it represents. [1/5 definitions]
Episcopalian of, belonging to, or relating to the Episcopal Church. [1/3 definitions]
equipage the outfit or set of equipment belonging to a soldier, ship, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
Ethiopian of or belonging to Africa below or near the equator and the southern portion of the Arabian peninsula, as certain plant or animal species. [1/3 definitions]