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chain gang a group of convicts chained together to prevent their escape from an outdoor work site.
chock a wedge or block placed under an object to prevent it from moving. [1/3 definitions]
Civil Rights Act in the U.S., any of several laws intended to protect civil rights, esp. the landmark law passed by Congress in 1964 that aimed to protect the constitutional right of all citizens to vote and to prevent racial discrimination in places of employment, public facilities, public accommodations, and the like.
cleat a projection attached to the bottom of a shoe to prevent slipping, esp. on sports shoes. [2/5 definitions]
clot to block or prevent passage through. [1/4 definitions]
condom a thin, usu. rubber sheath made to cover the penis during sexual intercourse in order to prevent conception or the spread of venereal diseases.
confectioners' sugar very finely powdered sugar with cornstarch added to prevent caking, used in making baked goods, candies, and the like.
continuous body a legislative body, such as the U.S. Senate, that achieves stability by staggering the terms of its members to prevent more than a minority of seats from changing in a single election.
counterplot a plot to prevent or counteract another plot. [1/4 definitions]
cover crop a quick-growing crop planted to prevent soil erosion or soil depletion.
creeper (usu. pl.) a spiked metal attachment worn on shoes or boots to prevent slipping. [1/6 definitions]
cushion something used to absorb shock or prevent damage from friction. [1/5 definitions]
cut off to prevent (someone) from receiving something essential, desired, or expected. [1/8 definitions]
defender in sports, someone whose role is to prevent the opposing team from scoring points. [1/4 definitions]
defense in sports, action or capability to prevent the opposite team from scoring or getting an advantage. [1/7 definitions]
defenseman in the sports of hockey or lacrosse, a player or a team member who is assigned a position close to the goal in order to prevent the other team from scoring.
deprive to prevent from having or enjoying; deny. [1/2 definitions]
detain to prevent from going on; stop or delay. [1/2 definitions]
deter to prevent; inhibit. [1/2 definitions]
Dicumarol a white crystalline powder, produced synthetically or from sweet clover, used in medicine to prevent blood from clotting; dicoumarin.
dike an embankment built to prevent flooding; levee. [1/6 definitions]