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Dictionary Suite
chapel a religious assembly, esp. at a school or military base. [1/3 definitions]
chaplain a member of the clergy attached to a school, military unit, hospital, or other institution.
chemistry lab in a school, a place where students studying chemistry can observe chemical reactions and carry out small experiments.
classmate a person in the same class at a college or school.
class rank a student's position on a list ordered by grade point average of all students in the same grade or year at a school.
classroom a room where classes are held in a college, school, or training facility.
cloakroom a room in a school, club, theater, or the like where coats, hats, and other outdoor clothing may be temporarily left.
coed (informal) a woman attending a school, esp. a college, that admits both sexes. [1/2 definitions]
Coll. abbreviation of "College," a school or institution of higher learning, usu. providing education in general studies or liberal arts (used in a proper name).
college a school or institution of higher learning beyond the level of high school, usu. providing education in general studies or liberal arts. [1/3 definitions]
composition a short piece written as a school assignment. [1/7 definitions]
computer lab a room providing access to numerous computers, typically found in a school, library, government institution, or private company. Use of a computer lab is free in public institutions and also in private institutions when one has authorization.
conservatoire a school or academy for the arts; conservatory.
conservatory a school of music or drama. [1/3 definitions]
construction paper heavy colored paper, used esp. by school children for drawing, crafts, and the like.
correspondence school a school that mails study materials and examinations to its students, who return them by mail to the school for grading.
cottage a small, detached dwelling, used for temporary periods, as at a resort, school, hospital facility, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
credit a unit of study in a school, or acknowledgment that it has been completed. [1/12 definitions]
crossing guard a school official, police officer, or volunteer who directs traffic and helps children to cross the streets around a school.
curriculum the totality of courses offered at a school or within a department. [1/2 definitions]
dame school an informal school common to Colonial New England in which rudimentary educational and social skills were taught to children by a woman in her home. [2 definitions]