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check to turn out to be correct (often fol. by "out"). [1/19 definitions]
clock radio a radio with a built-in clock that can be set to turn the radio on at a given time.
clockwise in or turning in the direction in which a clock's hands turn. (Cf. counterclockwise.)
cock2 to tilt to one side or to turn upward, esp. jauntily, alertly, or expectantly. [2 definitions]
come out in the wash to turn out satisfactorily. [1/2 definitions]
consign to deliver, transfer, or turn over to another. [1/4 definitions]
convolution a single turn or twist in such a form. [1/4 definitions]
crank to turn (a shaft) by use of a mechanical crank, or start (an engine) by use of a crank or other device. [1/6 definitions]
cross-eye a condition in which one or both eyes turn toward each other. (See strabismus.)
curd to produce curd from or turn into curd; coagulate. [1/3 definitions]
curdle to turn into curd; coagulate.
cut to turn off. [1/25 definitions]
dead center the maximum or minimum extension of a crank and connecting rod in a reciprocating engine, in which both are in a straight line and the connecting rod cannot turn the crank. [1/2 definitions]
deflect to turn aside or slant away from a straight course; swerve.
deviate to turn away from a direct or prescribed course. [2/6 definitions]
differential in machinery, a system of gears allowing two or more shafts powered by the same source to turn at different speeds, as in the drive wheels of an automobile when it is turning; differential gear. [1/8 definitions]
differential gear an arrangement of gears on the rear axle of an automobile that allows one wheel to turn faster than another during turns.
dig to turn over or remove (dirt or the like) with a shovel or other tool. [1/8 definitions]
directional a flashing light on an automobile, indicating the direction of a turn; turn signal. [1/3 definitions]
directional signal any of the lights on a motor vehicle that flash to indicate that the vehicle is about to turn and to show the direction in which it will turn. Directional signals are located on both the front and rear of the vehicle and are activated by the driver; turn signal.
dissolve to melt or turn to liquid. [1/11 definitions]