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cheddar (sometimes cap.) a smooth hard cheese that varies in taste from mild to very sharp.
ciré a smooth shiny finish, as on a fabric, produced by treatment with wax and heat. [2 definitions]
close-grained of wood or the like, having a smooth hard texture.
cold cream a semisolid cosmetic emulsion applied to moisturize, smooth, or cleanse the skin.
cordovan a smooth, soft, fine leather made of goatskin or split horsehide. [1/2 definitions]
courgette (chiefly British) a cucumber-shaped vegetable with a smooth, dark green rind; a zucchini.
cream cheese a rich, soft, smooth white cheese made of milk and sometimes cream, and not ripened.
creamy creamlike in taste, consistency, or appearance; smooth-textured. [1/2 definitions]
cross-country directed or moving over rough ground rather than on a smooth path, track, or road. [1/4 definitions]
cycloid of fish, having scales that are round and smooth-edged. [1/3 definitions]
deadwood unproductive persons or burdensome things that hinder the smooth function or progress of an enterprise. [1/2 definitions]
Doberman pinscher a breed of large dog that has short, smooth, usu. black hair with tan markings, often used as a guard dog.
doeskin any of several soft, smooth, closely woven fabrics such as wool flannel. [1/2 definitions]
drawing board a large, smooth, rectangular board on which paper or canvas is mounted before being drawn upon.
even smooth, level, or flat. [2/17 definitions]
fibroid a benign tumor consisting of smooth muscle and fibrous tissue, esp. in the uterus. [1/2 definitions]
filbert the round, smooth-shelled nut of certain cultivated European hazel trees; hazelnut. [1/2 definitions]
file2 to shape, smooth, or grind down with a file or similar device. [1/2 definitions]
fine-grained having a fine, smooth grain or texture, as certain woods. [1/2 definitions]
finish the smooth texture, protective glaze, or fine appearance of a hard surface. [1/11 definitions]
flat1 having a surface lacking in elevations or depressions; level; smooth. [1/17 definitions]