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child care the practice, service, or business of caring for other people's children, esp. young children whose parents work outside the home.
come from to have (a particular place) as one's first home or place of birth. [1/2 definitions]
commute to travel regularly back and forth between two points, usu. the home and workplace. [1/7 definitions]
commuter one who travels regularly between two points, usu. home and workplace.
cottage a small or modest detached home, usu. for one family. [1/2 definitions]
cottage industry any small business conducted from the owner's home. [1/2 definitions]
county agent a person employed by the government in rural areas to advise and educate in farming, managing natural resources, home economics, and the like; agricultural agent.
craft (pl.) activities that use the hands to make things that decorate or are useful around a home. [1/7 definitions]
crèche a home for abandoned infants and very young children. [1/3 definitions]
crown colony a British colony administered by a governor appointed by the home government in London.
dame school an informal school common to Colonial New England in which rudimentary educational and social skills were taught to children by a woman in her home. [1/2 definitions]
day care daytime care and supervision, in a home or day-care center, esp. for preschool children, or after-school or vacation care for older children, or supervised daytime care for elderly or disabled people. [1/2 definitions]
day room a room for recreation, reading, or writing, as in a military barracks, nursing home, or other institution.
day school a private school for pupils who live at home and attend classes only during the day. (Cf. boarding school.) [1/2 definitions]
derelict someone without a home or means of support; vagrant. [1/4 definitions]
dine out to eat dinner away from one's home.
dining room a room, usu. in a home or hotel, where meals are eaten.
docent a lecturer or guide in a museum, historic home, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
doggie bag a bag or box in which a restaurant will pack leftovers of a patron's meal to betaken home, presumably to be fed to a pet.
domestic particularly fond of the home or maintaining a home. [2/5 definitions]
domestic science see "home economics."