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child care the practice, service, or business of caring for other people's children, esp. young children whose parents work outside the home.
civic responsibility a particular responsibility or duty deemed an important aspect of being a productive and contributing citizen of a community or country. Ideas about what constitutes one's civic responsibilities vary but often include such things as obeying laws, voting in elections, respecting the rights of others, and performing public service.
civil servant one who works for a civil service; that is, one who works within a branch of government administration other than legislative, judicial, or military. Civil servants are not elected or appointed; they are hired based on merit, often as judged by an exam.
CO3 abbreviation of "conscientious objector," a person who refuses, for moral or religious reasons, to participate in military service or to engage in warfare.
coast guard (cap.) a U.S. military service that enforces maritime, customs, and immigration laws, aids vessels in distress, discourages smugglers, and defends the nation's coasts. [1/2 definitions]
color barrier unspoken social code of racial segregation or discrimination, esp. in sports, education, public service, and the like.
commend to cite with praise, as for some act or service. [1/3 definitions]
commission to put (a ship) into service. [1/9 definitions]
commodity a product, as opposed to a service, that can be bought and sold, esp. an agricultural or mining product. [1/2 definitions]
communion (cap.) the Christian sacrament in which the Eucharist is received, or the bread and wine of the Eucharist, or the portion of the religious service or liturgy in which this sacrament is received. [1/3 definitions]
community chest a fund made up of private contributions collected for distribution to local charitable, welfare, and service organizations.
compline the last of the seven canonical hours in Christian worship, or the accompanying service.
congregation the members of a particular religious community, esp. those assembled for a worship service. [1/3 definitions]
conscientious objector a person who refuses, for moral or religious reasons, to participate in military service or to engage in warfare.
conscript to enroll by force of law in military service; draft. [2/3 definitions]
conscription compulsory enrollment in military service.
consecrate to dedicate to the service or worship of a deity; make or declare sacred. [2/3 definitions]
cutoff termination of a service such as electricity or natural gas. [1/5 definitions]
cut off of a telephone service or operator, to interrupt (someone) during a call by breaking the connection. [1/8 definitions]
decentralize to assign the powers and functions of (a central organization or service) to various local branches or entities. [1/2 definitions]
defer1 to postpone induction of (someone) into military service. [1/3 definitions]