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childlike like or appropriate to a child, esp. in simplicity, openness, or innocence.
children pl. of child.
chit2 a child, esp. a lively young girl.
christening the sacrament of baptism, usu. involving the formal naming of a child. [1/2 definitions]
cot1 (chiefly British) a stationary bed with high sides for an infant or young child; crib. [1/2 definitions]
cousin the child of an aunt or uncle. [1/3 definitions]
crèche (chiefly British) a child care center for infants and very young children that serves the needs of working parents. [1/3 definitions]
crib a stationary bed with high, barred sides for an infant or young child. [1/12 definitions]
dandle to dance (a child) up and down on one's knees or in one's arms. [1/2 definitions]
developmental having the purpose of promoting healthy intellectual or emotional development in a child. [1/4 definitions]
doll a small figure usually made of plastic, wood, or cloth that resembles a baby, child, or other person, used esp. as a child's toy. [1/4 definitions]
elf an imaginary, small, and often mischievous humanlike creature that has magical powers, or a person, usu. a child, resembling this creature in size and sprightliness.
emancipate in law, to release (a child) from parental control. [1/2 definitions]
enceinte1 with child; pregnant.
enfant terrible (French) an undisciplined, spoiled child. [1/2 definitions]
expectant expecting the birth of one's child; pregnant. [1/3 definitions]
Fair Labor Standards Act law passed by the U.S. Congress in 1938 and administered by the U.S. Department of Labor to establish work standards, such as national minimum wage, overtime compensation for certain jobs, and restriction on the use of child labor.
father to generate (a child); beget. [1/10 definitions]
filial denoting the relation of a child or children to a parent. [1/2 definitions]
firstborn born before any other child or offspring of a parent or parents. [2 definitions]
foster home a home in which a child is cared for by someone other than his or her natural or adoptive parents.