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Chinese cabbage an edible lettucelike plant with a long cylindrical head of light-colored crisp leaves.
collar anything that encircles a cylindrical object, such as a restraining ring around a shaft in a machine. [1/7 definitions]
collet a chuck with a conical end that is used to hold cylindrical pieces in a lathe. [1/2 definitions]
cracker a cylindrical cardboard party favor that makes a loud crack when opened and contains treats or favors. [1/4 definitions]
crankpin a bar or cylindrical pin positioned in a crank and having a connecting rod or link attached.
cucumber an edible fruit of a creeping vine, usu. long and cylindrical with a hard green skin and greenish white flesh. [1/2 definitions]
diameter the width of any approximately circular, spherical, or cylindrical object. [1/3 definitions]
drum any of various hollow musical percussion instruments consisting of a cylindrical body covered at one or both ends by a tight membrane, and played by beating with sticks or the hands. [2/10 definitions]
duffel bag a large cylindrical canvas bag used to carry clothing and personal items.
garbage can a large, usu. cylindrical container for household rubbish.
grain elevator a storage building, usu. tall and cylindrical, in which grain is lifted, conveyed, and discharged by mechanical devices.
hatbox a deep box or case, usu. cylindrical, for storing or carrying a single hat.
hydra any of various small freshwater polyps with a cylindrical body and tentacles surrounding an oral opening. [1/4 definitions]
jar1 a wide-mouthed cylindrical container, usu. made of glass or pottery, and often having a lid. [1/2 definitions]
kepi a cylindrical cap with a flat top and a short horizontal visor, traditionally worn by members of the French armed forces.
kiosk a usu. cylindrical structure on which advertisements or notices are posted. [1/4 definitions]
leek a plant related to the onion that has broad green leaves and a fleshy, white, cylindrical bulb.
mallet a hammer, usu. wooden, with a short handle and a large cylindrical head, mainly used to drive a chisel or wedge, or to flatten something without damaging its surface. [1/3 definitions]
mug a tall, cylindrical, often heavy drinking cup of pottery, glass, or metal, usu. with a handle. [1/4 definitions]
mullet any of several related food fish of both salt and fresh water in tropical and temperate zones, with a usu. gray, nearly cylindrical body.
nematode an unsegmented, usu. parasitic worm having an elongated, cylindrical body; roundworm.