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cinnamon a spice made from the inner bark of any of several tropical Asian trees. [1/2 definitions]
cowry a tropical marine mollusk having a glossy and colorfully marked shell that is used as money in some Asian and African cultures. [1/2 definitions]
damask rose a fragrant pink Asian rose that is an ancestor of hybrid roses and whose oil is often used as a source for attar.
dromedary an African or Asian camel with one hump. (Cf. Bactrian camel.)
durian the Southeast Asian tree that bears this fruit. [1/2 definitions]
ebony a hard heavy wood, often black, from various tropical Asian trees. [1/5 definitions]
elephant either of two large mammals, one Asian and one African, that have a long, flexible trunk used for grasping food or lifting burdens, upper incisors elongated into curving tusks, and, in the African species, esp. large fan-shaped ears.
eunuch in former times, a castrated man employed as an attendant in a harem or as part of an Asian imperial or princely court. [1/2 definitions]
Eurasian of both European and Asian ancestry. [2/3 definitions]
francolin any of various African and Asian partridges.
frankincense a sweet-smelling gum resin obtained from various Asian and African trees and used mainly in incense.
galbanum a bad-smelling gum resin, obtained from various Asian plants of the umbel family.
gambier an astringent extract obtained from various southern Asian vines, used in tanning and dyeing.
gazelle any of several graceful African and Asian antelopes with ringed, slightly curved horns.
gerbil any of a variety of small African and Asian burrowing rodents often kept as pets.
gibbon any of a group of small, tree-dwelling Asian apes with long arms.
ginger the spicy root of an originally Asian plant, often used as a spice or flavoring in cooking. [1/3 definitions]
ginseng the aromatic root of any of several related Asian plants, or a preparation made from it, used for medicinal purposes. [1/2 definitions]
grackle any of a number of Asian, African, or European birds related to starlings, such as the myna. [1/2 definitions]
grass carp a large East Asian carp that feeds on weeds and was brought to the United States to help clear plant-clogged rivers and lakes.
henna the Asian or African shrub from which this substance is extracted. [1/4 definitions]