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coast to proceed without straining one's resources or talent, as on the basis of one's reputation. [1/7 definitions]
comparison likeness or basis for comparing. [1/2 definitions]
consultant one who offers advice or expertise to others on a professional basis. [1/2 definitions]
cost-plus of or relating to an agreement or contract on the basis of cost-plus. [1/2 definitions]
credulity an inclination to believe or trust, esp. without sufficient basis or evidence; gullibility.
cui bono usefulness as a basis on which to judge the value of something such as an act or policy. [1/2 definitions]
dactylography the study of fingerprints as a basis for identification.
daywork work that is completed and paid for on a daily basis, such as the work of a housecleaner.
dead reckoning the calculation of the position of a ship or airplane on the basis of speed, distance, wind speed, and currents, rather than on more accurate astronomical observations.
diet1 anything supplied or experienced on a regular basis. [1/6 definitions]
discriminate to judge or act toward someone on a categorical rather than individual basis (usu. fol. by "against)". [1/4 definitions]
doctor's office a building, or place within a building, used by a single physician or group of physicians, where patients can consult with or be treated by a doctor on an appointment basis.
est.1 abbreviation of "established," found or brought into being on a firm or stable basis.
establish to found or bring into being on a firm or stable basis. [1/3 definitions]
evidence the basis for belief; that which constitutes proof of something. [1/5 definitions]
exchange to give and take on an equal basis. [1/7 definitions]
extrapolate to make an estimate or inference of (future probability or the like) on the basis of what is already known or has already occurred. [2/3 definitions]
footing a foundation or firm basis on which one can stand, build, or develop. [1/4 definitions]
foundation the base or basis of something such as a process, substance, structure, or opinion. [1/4 definitions]
four-flush in stud poker, to bluff that one has a true flush of five cards on the basis of holding four visible cards of the same suit. [1/2 definitions]
fundamental of a musical chord, having its lowest note as the basis or root. [1/4 definitions]