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collision a conflict, as of ideas or opinions. [1/2 definitions]
conflict of interest a conflict or potential conflict between one of a person's interests or commitments and another, esp. between a public official's private financial interest and his or her public obligations.
confrontation a clash or conflict. [1/2 definitions]
contravene to conflict with; act against; oppose; violate. [1/2 definitions]
decide to resolve a conflict or dispute. [1/7 definitions]
declared war an armed conflict that is precipitated by a formal declaration of war.
dialectic the Hegelian theory of change, wherein one force or entity creates its opposite and the conflict between the two produces a new force or entity. [1/6 definitions]
disagreement a difference of opinion; conflict. [1/3 definitions]
discord lack of agreement or harmony among persons or things; disagreement; conflict. [2/3 definitions]
discordant in conflict or disagreement. [1/2 definitions]
dissonant marked by disagreement or conflict. [1/2 definitions]
dogfight any violent or vicious conflict, esp. an air battle between fighter planes. [1/4 definitions]
drama a state, situation, or series of events marked by emotional conflict or turmoil and capable of arousing emotions in others who are witnesses to such. [1/5 definitions]
duel a formal, arranged fight between two people, usu. with pistols or swords, to defend their honor or settle a conflict. [1/3 definitions]
embroil to involve in conflict. [1/2 definitions]
encounter to meet or confront in battle or conflict. [3/6 definitions]
engage to come into conflict with. [2/11 definitions]
engagement a battle or conflict. [1/4 definitions]
enter the lists to become involved in a conflict or contest.
Eris in Greek mythology, the goddess of conflict or discord; Discordia.
faction dissension or conflict in an organization, esp. political. [1/2 definitions]