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company store a retail store operated as a monopoly by the same company that employs the local work force.
computer lab a room providing access to numerous computers, typically found in a school, library, government institution, or private company. Use of a computer lab is free in public institutions and also in private institutions when one has authorization.
conglomerate a company made up of several smaller companies engaged in diverse or unrelated areas of industry. [1/5 definitions]
consort to keep company; associate (often fol. by "with"). [2/5 definitions]
Cos. abbreviation of "Companies," a plural form of "Company" (used in a proper name).
covey any small group or company. [1/2 definitions]
credit rating a rating of the worthiness of an individual or company to be extended credit, based on previous repayment of debts, financial stability, and the like.
development a group of houses or other structures, usu. built by the same person or company. [1/4 definitions]
director the leader of a group that performs for the public, such as an opera or ballet company. [1/3 definitions]
dispatcher a person who supervises the departure of vehicles for a transportation company. [1/2 definitions]
dot-com a company that sells products or services primarily or exclusively online.
downsize to reduce the size of (a company) by cutting down on the number of employees. [2/3 definitions]
drab2 to keep company with prostitutes. [1/3 definitions]
ease a state of relaxation in the company of others. [1/11 definitions]
East India Company see "British East India Company." [1/2 definitions]
expressman a man who works for an express company, esp. one who picks up and delivers packages.
first sergeant the senior noncommissioned officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marines who is responsible for personnel and administration of a company, squadron, or other unit.
forgather to associate or keep company. [1/3 definitions]
front office the administrative office of a company or organization, or its executive officers or management.
go green of a company or institution, to begin to operate in a way that helps to protect the environment.
golden parachute (informal) a contract or agreement that guarantees top executives of a company severance pay or other compensation in the event that they lose their jobs as a result of an acquisition by or merger with another company, or the severance pay so offered.