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conceive to begin or originate. [1/6 definitions]
conditional in grammar, expressing a condition, as by the use of the word "if" to begin a clause. [1/2 definitions]
continue to begin again after a pause or interruption. [2/7 definitions]
crank up (informal) to get prepared or begin. [1/2 definitions]
cytokine storm a severe immune reaction of the body in which cytokines, which normally help in the process of fighting infection, are released in overwhelming numbers and begin to attack healthy cells.
dawn to start to grow; begin to develop. [1/5 definitions]
embark to board a ship, esp. to begin a voyage. [2/4 definitions]
enter to begin; embark (usu. fol. by "upon"). [1/11 definitions]
fall asleep to begin the process of sleep.
fall in love to begin to have strong feelings of romantic love (often fol. by "with").
find one's feet (informal) to begin to adjust to or be comfortable in a new situation.
get to cause (someone or something) to begin the doing of something. [2/17 definitions]
get off the ground to launch or begin something successfully.
get the show on the road (slang) to begin; get started.
get together to begin a romantic relationship (often fol. by "with"). [1/4 definitions]
giddyap a usu. shouted command urging a horse to begin moving or increase speed.
go1 begin the race. [1/28 definitions]
go back to the drawing board to start at the very beginning again; begin anew.
go green of a company or institution, to begin to operate in a way that helps to protect the environment.
go on to begin one's performance on a stage. [1/6 definitions]
hip3 used as a signal to begin a cheer.