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consumerism a movement that attempts to protect consumers from defective or harmful goods and services and from unfair business practices such as deceptive advertising. [1/2 definitions]
convoy to go with and protect, esp. by an armed force or ships. [1/5 definitions]
court plaster a small piece of fabric coated on one side with isinglass and glycerin or some other adhesive, formerly used on the skin to protect cuts or scratches or for cosmetic purposes in the form of so-called beauty spots.
cover to protect from possible loss or damage; insure. [2/21 definitions]
cuckoo spit a foamy substance secreted on plants by spittlebug nymphs to cover and protect their larvae. [1/2 definitions]
cuirass to cover and protect with a cuirass. [1/4 definitions]
defend to protect from harm, seizure, or intrusion; guard. [1/4 definitions]
defensive intended for defense or protection, or serving to defend or protect. [2/6 definitions]
Department of Homeland Security an executive department of the U.S. federal government whose mission is to protect U.S. citizens and property from terrorist assault.
depository someone entrusted to guard and protect something; depositary. [1/2 definitions]
dike to furnish, enclose, or protect with a dike. [1/6 definitions]
dollar diplomacy a U.S. government policy of promoting national interests by encouraging investment abroad, or of using governmental power or influence to protect and promote such private investment. [1/2 definitions]
duenna in Portugal or Spain, an older woman hired to accompany, care for, and protect a girl or young woman. [1/2 definitions]
due process an established set of legal procedures and methods designed to protect citizens against arbitrary action by the government. U.S. law dictates that all judicial action must follow these consistent procedures and safeguards in order to protect the rights of individuals.
due process of law the course of legal proceedings established by a government to protect an individual's rights.
dust jacket a paper cover to protect a book's binding. [1/2 definitions]
earflap on a cap, a flap that can be turned down to protect the ears.
edging something that constitutes, or is placed along, an edge or border to protect, decorate, or define it.
ensure to protect or render safe. [1/2 definitions]
entrench to protect or fortify (oneself), as with trenches. [1/3 definitions]
environmental of or pertaining to the natural environment, and esp. to the ecological effects of altering it or attempts made to protect it. [1/3 definitions]