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contour the outline of a surface, form, or figure; shape. [1/7 definitions]
crack to figure out; find a solution to. [1/15 definitions]
cryptogram a figure or symbol having a secret meaning. [1/2 definitions]
curvaceous (informal) of a woman, having a full figure with pronounced curves; voluptuous.
curvet an advanced dressage figure in which a horse must rear and then spring forward onto its forelegs with the hind legs fully outstretched. [1/2 definitions]
decagon in geometry, a ten-sided plane figure.
decahedron in geometry, a ten-faced solid figure.
diamond any shape resembling this, such as the red figure designating one suit in a deck of playing cards. [1/7 definitions]
dodecagon a two-dimensional geometric figure with twelve angles and twelve sides.
dodecahedron a three-dimensional geometric figure with twelve plane faces.
doll a small figure usually made of plastic, wood, or cloth that resembles a baby, child, or other person, used esp. as a child's toy. [1/4 definitions]
effigy a constructed figure that represents a hated or despised person and that is often burned or hanged to express public condemnation of this person. [1/2 definitions]
ellipsoid a solid geometric figure whose plane sections are all ellipses or circles. [1/2 definitions]
equilateral a figure having all its sides or faces equal. [1/2 definitions]
erect in geometry, to draw (a figure) upon a defined line or other base. [1/7 definitions]
fig. abbreviation of "figure." [1/2 definitions]
figuration the act of forming something into a particular figure, or the resulting figure. [1/3 definitions]
figurative represented by means of a symbol, figure, or image. [1/3 definitions]
figurehead a carved figure or bust on the prow of a ship. [1/2 definitions]
figurine a small, molded or sculpted ornamental figure; statuette.
form the shape or outward appearance of an animal or person; figure. [1/16 definitions]