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corona in meteorology, a ring or series of concentric rings seen around a heavenly body, caused by diffraction due to fine mist or dust in the atmosphere. (See aureole.) [1/5 definitions]
cricoid of, pertaining to, or involving a ring-shaped cartilage surrounding the trachea and forming the back part of the larynx. [1/2 definitions]
cringle a small ring or loop of metal or rope attached to the edge of a sail, through which to run a line.
cruller a sweet cake made from deep-fried dough, usu. shaped into a ring or twisted into a spiral.
curl to take on the shape of a coil, spiral, or ring. [2/8 definitions]
cyclic in chemistry, of or pertaining to a compound or form of a compound containing a covalently closed ring of atoms. [1/2 definitions]
cyclo- cycle; circle; ring. [1/2 definitions]
diazine any chemical compound in which four carbon atoms and two nitrogen atoms are arranged in a ring.
ding to ring or make a sound like that of a bell. [1/2 definitions]
ding-dong to ring or make a ding-dong sound. [1/2 definitions]
dinner ring a ring set with a gem or group of gemstones, worn by a woman on formal occasions.
doughnut a small, sweet, usu. ring-shaped cake that has been fried in deep fat. [1/2 definitions]
epicalyx in certain flowers, a ring of small modified leaves resembling the calyx.
eyelet the metal ring covering the edges of such a hole; grommet. [1/3 definitions]
ferrule a metal ring, cap, or sleeve put around the end of a pole, shaft, handle, or the like to reinforce, prevent splitting, or provide a strong connection. [1/3 definitions]
girdle a ring made on a tree trunk by removing the bark. [2/7 definitions]
gyre a ring, circle, or spiral. [1/2 definitions]
handcuff one of two ring-shaped metal restraints that can be locked around a prisoner's wrists, usu. connected to each other by a short chain or bar. [1/3 definitions]
hole punch a tool for making small, round holes in paper, often used in order to fit paper into a ring binder; hole puncher.
hole puncher a tool for making small, round holes in paper, often used in order to fit paper into a ring binder; hole punch.
hoop a large ring of wood, plastic, or metal, such as that used as a child's toy or for an animal to jump through. [1/7 definitions]