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counterrevolutionary of, relating to, or involved in activity opposed to revolution. [1/2 definitions]
cytokine any of a group of secretory proteins involved in intercellular communication, some of which stimulate the immune response.
dabble to work at or be involved in some activity in a shallow or intermittent manner. [1/4 definitions]
desensitize to make less interested, sensitive, involved, or the like; cause to be indifferent. [1/2 definitions]
disputant involved or participating in argument, debate, or dispute. [1/2 definitions]
dive to become deeply involved in a subject or activity. [1/12 definitions]
DNA abbreviation of deoxyribonucleic acid; any of several acids occurring mainly in cellular nuclei and involved in the transmission of hereditary traits and the formation of proteins..
doggy2 (informal) fond of dogs, or involved in dog-breeding. [1/2 definitions]
embattled under attack by enemies or opponents; involved in battle. [1/2 definitions]
engagé committed and involved, esp. in support of an aim or cause.
engaged busy; employed; involved. [1/4 definitions]
engrossed involved or mentally engaged in something to the point of being unable to focus on anything else.
enmesh to catch or ensnare; cause to be involved; entangle.
enter to become involved in. [1/11 definitions]
enter the lists to become involved in a conflict or contest.
equilibrium in chemistry, a condition in which a reaction and its reverse happen at the same rate, preserving constant proportions of the reactants involved. [1/3 definitions]
fact-finding involved in the discovery and determination of the facts. [1/2 definitions]
figure to appear, be involved, or be relevant. [1/16 definitions]
finance company a business institution involved in a wide range of financial loan activities, such as personal or small business loans or the purchasing of accounts receivable.
flirtatious involved in or inviting flirting. [1/2 definitions]
genitalia the organs involved in sexual reproduction, esp. the external ones.