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covenant a usu. formal agreement between two or more parties to engage in or refrain from something. [1/6 definitions]
deal1 to engage in business or trade (usu. fol. by "in"). [1/15 definitions]
debate to engage in a formal debate. [1/7 definitions]
debauch to engage willingly in immoral behavior. [1/3 definitions]
deceive to engage in misleading; act or speak untruthfully. [1/2 definitions]
decode to engage in decoding. [1/2 definitions]
dip to engage briefly or to a small extent in studying; dabble; browse. [1/15 definitions]
dive to engage in a sport or pastime such as acrobatic diving, scuba diving, or skydiving. [1/12 definitions]
do1 to engage in (some activity); busy oneself with. [1/13 definitions]
dogfight to engage in a dogfight. [1/4 definitions]
duel to engage in a duel. [1/3 definitions]
egg on to encourage or pressure someone to engage in or continue in some action, esp. one that is risky or potentially harmful to oneself or others.
emissary an agent sent to represent, or engage in some activity such as negotiations on behalf of, another person or group, esp. a government.
excavate to engage in digging out material or hollowing out something. [1/5 definitions]
exercise to engage in physical exercise or activity. [1/10 definitions]
fan2 an enthusiastic follower of an activity such as a sport or a performing art or of a person or persons who engage in that activity.
fight to engage in a boxing match. [1/9 definitions]
filibuster to engage in a filibuster. [1/3 definitions]
fling to engage (oneself) forcefully or energetically. [1/8 definitions]
graft2 to engage in graft. [1/4 definitions]
grift to engage in grift. [1/4 definitions]