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cowberry a low creeping evergreen with white or pink flowers and edible, acid red berries.
crape myrtle a tall Oriental shrub, related to loosestrife and widely cultivated in warmer zones as an ornamental for its stalks of crinkled pink, red, white, or purple flowers.
cumin a plant of the umbel family that bears pink or white flowers. [1/2 definitions]
damask a deep pink color. [1/6 definitions]
damask rose a fragrant pink Asian rose that is an ancestor of hybrid roses and whose oil is often used as a source for attar.
dog rose a prickly European wild rose that bears pink flowers.
dogwood a tree of the eastern United States that bears clusters of small flowers surrounded by pink or white leaves that look like petals. [1/2 definitions]
dolomite a usu. gray, pink, or white mineral, calcium magnesium carbonate, used esp. as a construction material and a fertilizer. [1/2 definitions]
Dutchman's-breeches an herb of eastern North America with finely divided leaves and yellow, pink, or whitish double-spurred flowers.
farewell-to-spring a flowering plant of the western United States that bears bright blooms of pink, white, or purple.
fawn1 a pale brown color with yellowish, grayish, or pink tones. [1/2 definitions]
flamingo any of various large, tropical wading birds with very long legs and necks and bright pink or red feathers.
fuchsia any of various related drooping plants that bear bright-colored flowers, usu. in shades of purple, pink, and red, often used in hanging displays. [1/2 definitions]
geranium any of various garden plants that have roundish divided leaves and bear showy clusters of red, pink, or white blossoms.
Gila monster a large poisonous lizard of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, with a stubby tail and scaly rings of black and orange, yellow, or pink covering its skin.
grapefruit a large, juicy citrus fruit having a yellow rind and tart yellow or pink pulp. [1/2 definitions]
great laurel a large wild rhododendron of the eastern United States that has thick glossy dark green leaves and bears clusters of white or pink flowers.
gypsophila any of various plants that bear delicate clusters of small white or pink flowers; baby's breath.
hawthorn any of numerous shrubs or small trees having long thorns and bearing white or pink flowers and reddish fruits.
henbit a spreading European weed, related to mint, that has opposite, toothed leaves and bears small white, pink, or purple flowers.
honeysuckle a shrub or vine with fragrant and often sweet-tasting white, yellow, or pink tubular flowers.