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cowboy a mounted cattle herdsman employed by ranches of the western United States. [1/3 definitions]
cowgirl a young woman hired to herd and tend cattle, usu. on horseback, in the western United States. [1/2 definitions]
cowhand a cattle ranch employee; cowboy or cowgirl.
cowherd a person who tends cattle.
cowman a man who owns cattle or manages a cattle ranch. [2 definitions]
cowpoke (informal) a person who tends cattle; cowboy.
cow pony a horse that is trained and used for herding cattle.
cowpox a skin disease in cattle, caused by a virus that is used to produce a vaccine against smallpox in humans.
crib a cattle stall or feed trough. [1/12 definitions]
dehorn to remove the horns of (cattle or the like).
dewlap a drooping fold of skin below the neck in some animals such as cattle or dogs.
drove2 to drive (animals, esp. cattle). [1/3 definitions]
drover someone who drives animals, esp. sheep or cattle, to a place where they can be sold.
Dutch Belted one of a breed of dairy cattle that have a band of white around the body.
feedlot a plot of land on which livestock, esp. cattle to be sold for beef, are fattened before being shipped to market.
foot-and-mouth disease a severe, very contagious disease of animals such as sheep and cattle, characterized by fever and blisters in the mouth and around the feet or hooves, the teats, and the udder; hoof-and-mouth disease.
forage food for grazing or browsing animals, usu. horses or cattle. [1/6 definitions]
gad2 a long stick or prod used for driving cattle; goad. [1/3 definitions]
goad a rod with a pointed or electric tip, used to urge cattle or other animals to move; prod. [1/4 definitions]
grain-fed of or pertaining to cattle that are fed a diet consisting primarily of corn and soy grains, or to beef produced by such cattle.
grass-fed of or pertaining to cattle that eat a diet consisting primarily of grass, or to beef produced by such cattle.