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crazy showing poor judgment; not sensible. [1/3 definitions]
critical thinking the objective analysis and evaluation of facts and evidence to form a judgment.
criticism an unfavorable or negative judgment or evaluation. [1/4 definitions]
defer2 to submit or yield to the desire, opinion, or judgment of another.
Dies Irae (Latin) a medieval hymn, and its opening words, describing the Judgment Day.
discerning exercising good judgment and discrimination; perceptive.
discretion the freedom or authority to use one's own judgment. [1/2 definitions]
discretionary left to one's own judgment or decision. [1/2 definitions]
discriminating showing good taste or judgment. [1/2 definitions]
doom a judgment or decision made by a court, esp. one accompanied by a severe penalty or punishment. [3/5 definitions]
doomsday the day on which the Last Judgment is supposed to occur, at the end of the world. [2 definitions]
error a mistake in judgment or action. [2/5 definitions]
esteem high opinion; favorable judgment; respect. [1/3 definitions]
estimate a judgment or appraisal. [1/6 definitions]
estimation an opinion or judgment of the worth or value of someone or something. [1/3 definitions]
eye (usu. pl.) judgment or understanding. [1/9 definitions]
folly a lack of good sense or judgment.
fool A person who has poor sense or judgment. [1/2 definitions]
foolish lacking in good sense or judgment, or appearing to lack them; silly. [1/3 definitions]
gauge to make an estimate of; judge. [2/6 definitions]
half-baked (informal) lacking in judgment; foolish. [1/3 definitions]