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creep up on to silently approach from behind or in such as way as to surprise.
curve ball an unforeseen or unexpected event that takes one by surprise or catches one off guard. [1/2 definitions]
egad (old fashioned) a mild oath used to express surprise or enthusiasm.
exclaim to speak suddenly and vehemently, with or as if with surprise or emotion. [1/2 definitions]
exclamation mark a punctuation mark (!) used after a word or words that express surprise or command, make an emphatic declaration, or the like; exclamation point.
first strike a surprise offensive attack using nuclear weapons, intended to eliminate an enemy's ability to strike back.
fool to surprise or prove wrong. [1/11 definitions]
freak1 (informal) to become frightened or nervous, as from a sudden surprise. [1/4 definitions]
gape to stare in surprise, awe, or wonder, esp. with the mouth open. [1/5 definitions]
gee2 used as a mild exclamation of wonder or surprise.
gee whiz used to express surprise, objection, or the like.
glory used to express surprise, happiness, amazement, or the like. [1/8 definitions]
golly used as an exclamation of mild surprise, wonder, puzzlement, or the like.
goodness used in expressions of surprise or alarm. [1/3 definitions]
goose flesh a temporary, roughened condition of the skin in which the papillae become erect as a result of fear, surprise, cold, or the like; goose bumps; goose pimples.
gosh used to express surprise, interest, or the like.
gracious used to express surprise, relief, or the like. [1/5 definitions]
guerrilla one of an unofficial or loosely organized group of soldiers who stage unconventional or surprise attacks against an enemy.
ha used as an exclamation of triumph, surprise, discovery, perplexity, or annoyance.
heaven (pl.) used as an interjection to express surprise or to emphasize a statement. [1/5 definitions]
heigh an exclamation used to show pleasure, attract attention, express surprise, and the like.