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cretonne a heavy print fabric of cotton, used for covering furniture and for drapes.
desk a piece of furniture, usu. having a flat surface and drawers, used for reading and writing. [1/3 definitions]
dinette an ensemble of furniture for such an area usu. including a matching table and chairs; dinette set. [1/2 definitions]
distress to treat (wood surfaces or furniture) in order to age in appearance, as by denting or staining. [1/4 definitions]
doily a small decorative mat, often of embroidery or lace, used as a protective cover on furniture or dishes.
door a comparable opening or means of access or entry into vehicles or furniture. [1/5 definitions]
drawer a sliding traylike compartment in a piece of furniture. [1/3 definitions]
dresser2 a piece of furniture with drawers or shelves for storing clothing or other items.
Early American of or characteristic of the colonial and post-colonial periods of U.S. history, esp. of the furniture, utensils, quilts, and other handicrafts produced during this time.
finial a decorative element that points upward from the end or top of something, as from an arch, a piece of furniture, or a lampshade.
fruitwood the wood of any of various fruit trees, such as cherry, used in making furniture, cabinets, and the like.
furnish to equip, esp. with furniture. [1/2 definitions]
furnishing (pl.) a variety of fittings, appliances, and articles of furniture, with which a living space is equipped. [1/2 definitions]
gingerbread excessively ornate decoration, as on a building or furniture. [1/3 definitions]
Gothic of or relating to the style of art, sculpture, furniture, or the like that was popular during this period. [1/7 definitions]
Hepplewhite of or concerning a furniture style of late eighteenth-century Europe and America, featuring graceful curves.
hideaway capable of being hidden, as a bed that folds into a wall or piece of furniture. [1/3 definitions]
ironwork articles or constructions decorated with or made wholly or partly of iron, as stair railings or garden furniture.
jackfruit a fast-growing, tropical, Asian tree that produces very large, edible fruits and wood that can be used in construction and in making furniture and other items. [1/2 definitions]
joiner a carpenter, esp. one who makes furniture or the finished woodwork of a building. [1/3 definitions]
knocked down of furniture and the like, not assembled.