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critical mass the minimum mass of fissionable material necessary to sustain a nuclear chain reaction. [1/2 definitions]
cyanamide a caustic, white, unstable compound prepared by the reaction of calcium cyanamide with sulfuric acid and used in chemical production.
cytokine storm a severe immune reaction of the body in which cytokines, which normally help in the process of fighting infection, are released in overwhelming numbers and begin to attack healthy cells.
defense mechanism a physiological reaction occurring in an organism when defending itself, such as antibody production against a pathogen. [1/2 definitions]
displeasing causing dissatisfaction, disappointment, annoyance, or other negative reaction.
double take a sudden second look or other delayed reaction indicating that the real significance of a sight, remark, or situation has just been understood.
end product the final or finished product, as of an industry, chemical reaction, or growth process.
equation in chemistry, an array of symbols representing a reaction as to both its starting materials and its products, and using an equal sign or arrows to divide the two groups. [1/4 definitions]
equilibrium in chemistry, a condition in which a reaction and its reverse happen at the same rate, preserving constant proportions of the reactants involved. [1/3 definitions]
exothermic pertaining to a chemical reaction that results in the release of heat.
freak out (old-fashioned; informal) to have a bad reaction to a hallucinatory drug and feel intense anxiety. [1/2 definitions]
fuel cell any of various devices in which continuous electrical energy is produced from the reaction between a fuel, such as liquid hydrogen, and an oxidant.
fusion in physics, a reaction in which the nuclei of light atoms join to form heavier nuclei, and in which energy is simultaneously released. [1/4 definitions]
gene a section of a chromosome that determines the structure of a single protein or part of one, thereby influencing a particular hereditary characteristic, such as eye color, or a particular biochemical reaction.
hay fever an allergic reaction to plant pollen, characterized by mucus from the nose, sneezing, and headache.
histamine an organic crystalline compound, produced esp. during an allergic reaction, that lowers blood pressure, dilates blood vessels, and increases stomach secretions. (Cf. antihistamine.) [1/2 definitions]
hives (used with a sing. or pl. verb) a mild illness characterized by the eruption of small, itchy bumps on the skin, often as an allergic reaction.
hypoallergenic unlikely to cause an allergic reaction.
incompatible unable to be mixed without an unfavorable reaction. [1/6 definitions]
indeed used to express a strong reaction of agreement, doubt, surprise or the like to what someone has just said. [1/2 definitions]
inert having little or no capacity for chemical reaction. [1/3 definitions]