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cuckoo clock a clock that conceals a mechanical bird that pops out of a little door to announce the hour with sounds resembling the cry of a cuckoo.
dernier cri last cry (French); the last word; latest fashion.
hail1 a cry or shout to greet or attract the attention of someone. [1/7 definitions]
hallelujah a cry of praise, joy, or gratitude. [1/2 definitions]
hallo a cry or call of this word. [2/6 definitions]
holler (informal) to cry out, yell, or shout. [3/5 definitions]
hoot to utter a loud, harsh shout or cry, esp. of disapproval or scorn. [3/7 definitions]
hosanna a cry or shout of "hosanna". [2/4 definitions]
howl to cry out loudly, as from sorrow, distress, anger, or the like. [3/8 definitions]
loon1 any of several large black and white diving birds that have a laughlike cry.
mew1 a small cry made by a cat. [2 definitions]
mewl to cry or whine in a weak manner; whimper.
outcry a loud cry, shout, or uproar. [1/2 definitions]
peep2 to emit a weak, shrill, short cry. [1/4 definitions]
prairie dog any of several small burrowing rodents that have a barklike cry and live in large colonies in the North American prairies.
pule to cry with a weak or whiny voice; whimper.
roar to utter a prolonged cry or shout that is both deep and loud. [3/8 definitions]
scream to make a shrill, piercing cry or sound. [2/6 definitions]
screech to make a harsh, shrill, grating cry or sound. [2/3 definitions]
screech owl any of various small American owls that have hornlike ear tufts and a harsh screeching cry.
shout a loud cry, call, or vocal outburst. [1/3 definitions]