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cur an unpleasant or mean dog, esp. one of mixed breed. [1/2 definitions]
electuary a drug mixed with honey, syrup, or the like to form a paste to be smeared on the teeth or gums of a sick animal.
fanjet a jet engine that uses an impeller fan to draw in more air than is needed for fuel combustion, the excess being mixed with the products of the combustion to form an exhaust jet that provides extra thrust; turbofan. [1/2 definitions]
flip2 a mixed drink made with an alcoholic beverage, sugar, and beaten eggs.
fodder feed for farm animals, such as cut-up cornstalks mixed with hay. [1/3 definitions]
forcemeat finely chopped or ground meat, fish, or poultry, often mixed with other foods that act as binders or seasoning, and used as a stuffing.
frittata an omelet in which the eggs are mixed with vegetables, meat, or other ingredients before cooking.
gang2 the valueless minerals, rocks, or the like found mixed with valuable ore; gangue.
gangue the valueless minerals, rocks, or the like found mixed with valuable ore; gang.
gefilte fish chopped fish mixed with egg, meal, and seasoning, boiled, and served chilled, often as balls.
gimlet an alcoholic beverage consisting of sweetened lime juice mixed with vodka or gin. [1/3 definitions]
gold a precious yellow metal chemical element that has seventy-nine protons in each nucleus, that occurs in pure form as a very dense, lustrous, highly malleable solid, and that is often mixed with other metals to make it harder and stronger. (symbol: Au) [1/11 definitions]
grease pencil a pencil made of compressed grease mixed with pigment, usu. wrapped in paper that unwinds in a spiral to expose the tip, used esp. to write on slick surfaces.
haggis a Scottish dish made of sheep or calf organs that are minced, mixed with suet, oatmeal, and seasonings, and boiled in the animal's stomach.
half-blood among animals, the offspring of one pedigreed parent and one of mixed or unknown ancestry. [1/3 definitions]
half-breed (offensive) of or pertaining to a person of mixed racial extraction, esp. of Caucasian and Native American. [1/2 definitions]
heroin an illegal addictive narcotic made from morphine that is usu. mixed with water and taken by injection.
immiscible not able to be mixed or blended.
impure mixed with or contaminated by other things, esp. of inferior quality; adulterated or polluted. [1/3 definitions]
incompatible unable to be mixed without an unfavorable reaction. [1/6 definitions]
intermixture the act of mixing together, or the condition of being so mixed. [2 definitions]