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current the flow of electricity in a conductor. [1/5 definitions]
dam1 a barrier built usu. across a waterway to restrict flow and raise the water level. [1/4 definitions]
damp to reduce or put out (a fire) by cutting off air flow. [1/8 definitions]
damper in a furnace or stove, a movable metal plate that controls air flow. [1/2 definitions]
debouch of a river or the like, to flow from a narrow valley into a larger channel or open plain. [1/4 definitions]
diffuse to cause or allow to flow out and spread freely. [3/9 definitions]
disconnect to break the flow of electric current to, by removing a connection to the power source. [1/3 definitions]
downstream of or relating to the portion of a stream lying in the direction of the current's flow, from any given point. [1/3 definitions]
draft a device for controlling the flow of air, as in a stove or furnace (sometimes spelled "draught"). [1/18 definitions]
drain to remove water or other liquid from, esp. by means of flow through a pipe. [3/12 definitions]
dribble to drip or flow slowly in drops. [2/8 definitions]
drinking fountain an appliance or device that supplies a flow of water, sometimes cooled, for drinking, as in a public place.
drip to flow downward in drops. [2/7 definitions]
ebb the retreating or flowing back of a tidal flow from the land to the sea; ebb tide. [2/4 definitions]
effuse to flow out of a small opening, as a gas or other fluid. [1/4 definitions]
electrolyte a conducting solution in which the movement of non-metallic ions accompanies a flow of electric current. [1/2 definitions]
electromotive of, pertaining to, or producing a flow of electricity.
electromotive force the force that causes electrical current to flow, usu. measured in volts.
electronics (used with a sing. verb) the science that is concerned with the flow of electrons in various physical media, and with their properties and uses. [1/2 definitions]
electron tube a sealed, tube-shaped container in which a pair of electrodes controls the flow of electrons through a vacuum or very low-pressure gas.
empty out of a thing, to let its contents flow away. [1/3 definitions]